Ever have one of those days when you wish you could order an extra-whip, double-caf, mocha, vodka latte and actually get one from the local coffee shop? Yep, it's been one of those days for me.
This morning I found the boys spitting all over the couch and then trying to suck it up with a toy vaccum. Pretty funny, at first. But no laughing matter when c1refused to stop doing it even after repeated requests to cease and desist. The rest of the day? The same 10 times over.
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This morning I found the boys spitting all over the couch and then trying to suck it up with a toy vaccum. Pretty funny, at first. But no laughing matter when c1refused to stop doing it even after repeated requests to cease and desist. The rest of the day? The same 10 times over.
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Those two are so cute!
Ben Cliff
Posted by: Order taking services | Sunday, August 08, 2010 at 06:58 AM